Meet Pugly, I don't know his real name. I just sort of smashed together the words “pug” and “ugly.” How am I sure it is a “he” you ask? You will soon find out.
He is the neighbor's dog that regrettably stays leashed under their villa's carport all day. He has a habit of knocking over his water dish and then hyper-actively snorting and barking until someone (usually me or one of my roomates) goes and fills it back up. So this morning I was walking to my car and could hear the characteristic snorting that has become synonymous with my waking hours. Except this time there was a sight, much sadder than just a dog with an empty water dish...
As you can see, our friend Pugly has what we call in medicine, a “custodio-centric auto-erotic asphyxiation” fetish (not bad for making it up on the fly huh? He's one sick puppy...ok ok I'll quit, it was just there I had to). Disgusted and appalled by this, there was only one thing I could do. I laughed and took a couple of pictures. Of course I took the broom away, filled his dish with water and then started to leave for school. I THOUGHT I had put the object of pugly's affection far enough out of reach but alas, I took this one out of my window as I drove off.
So this afternoon after class, I had errands to run. You can't run errands on the weekends because everything is closed. The same goes for anytime after 3:30 pm.....and also 11-1 pm.... and well, just whenever the hell St. Maartener's feel like they don't want to be bothered with you. Regardless, I had to get my car inspected, get a haircut, and get groceries. The car inspection went OK I guess. I went through, he told me my tint was too dark, that it failed inspection, and that I owed him $21 dollars. Then he peeled the tint off, kindly told me I owed him another $10 to “re-inspect it,” I was sure to throw in a “yeah, ok....aaaaannd... you're serious....” over the top of my sunglasses as I handed him the last 10 dollar bill in my wallet. What can you do... Then I went to Grande Marche', probably this island's biggest asset
I'll try to grab the camera the next time Amos falls in love with his duffel bag -----
I was at that market a few days ago and saw Zapps there on the bottom shelf... ah those brought back memories.
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