Saturday, September 17, 2011

Point of View

Anyone who has ever been around an infant or toddler knows how they study and take in the smallest things. They are interested in how everything tastes, feels, sounds, and looks. As you get older, I think you get a little jaded to the amount you take in during the course of the day.

Kids have the luxury of investigating every new sight, sound, taste, and texture - they don't have to tune out extraneous sensory input to accomplish a goal - they don't ignore the caffeine jitters, 24 hour news, loud music, or the smells and sounds of dense traffic. The obstacle is the path.

I started taking these photos one Sunday afternoon just to get an appreciation of what things must look like from my son's perspective - what does he see when we sit him on our laps at the table, or when he holds on to the dishwasher rack and tries to pull out all of the spoons, or when he's sitting in his swing looking at the birdhouse? What does he see when we put him in his child seat that faces the back window? I set up a tripod to his height, attached a 50mm lens and got a view of thing he sees or plays with on a daily basis.

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