Sunday, August 19, 2007

Semester 3 has come and gone, it actually FLEW by, it literally seems like last week I was leaving the New Orleans airport for SXM looking up at that weird sculpture resembling an angel of death, hovering over an escalator. Maybe it is a public health campaign to educate people on the health benifits of taking the stairs? Either way its not really something you want to see before you hop on an international flight. You start thinking things like "What's my flight number again? American Airlines flight 2160.....hmm....American Airlines flight 2160....dove....into the Carribbean Sea this morning just off the coast of Florida....does my flight number sound like it could be on CNN? Shit."

All in all this semester was a good one. But I look forward to getting some much needed rest the next couple of days. Last night was especially bad, I woke up at 11 pm last night and never went back to sleep due to:

1. the racket made by enourmous mutant frogs outside of my window last night

2. the 4 redbull a day habit that I've adopted the past week and a half

3. the fear of not passing the neuroscience final, and

4. my sexually ambiguous Dutch neighbors blaring techno music all night.

I've got to tell you, that's not a good combination. Around 4 a.m. I almost snapped, and decided to go to school 4 hours early and study in peace (neuro went just fine btw). I have a 4 hour layover in Miami, where I sit now, sortof bored, regretting I ate half of something that looked like a giant "Combo's" pretzel snack from Sbarro.

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