Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I slipped on one of the tile inlays in our sidewalk on sunday, don't worry, I caught myself by supporting my full body weight on the corner, ehem, medial-distal aspect, of my toe. Of course by monday night it was REALLY infected despite my best efforts to keep it cleaned and bandaged. So its 500 mg augmentin 3 times a day for me.

Other than that, Ive been doing well in school. One of our physiology profs had a "minor" stroke and was flown to Boston for treatment, we all hope he has a swift and satisfactory recovery. His temporary replacement was a Dr. McCumbee, an endocrinologist from Marshall University Medical School.

his arch nemesis is Gargamel.(I told Adam I would credit him for the pictures and observation but that I wouldn't mention the video of "smurf porn" he sent me so I won't talk about it) The guy really knows his stuff, he seems extremely detail oriented. We will see how much of that carries over into his exams on Friday. Other than that, its been pretty routine, here's a picture of me leaving the house to go tutor in the anatomy lab.


Anonymous said...

I was trying to place that face, but couldn't quite. i thought maybe it was the prospector from Rudolph, the Red Nosed Reindeer, but he IS more Smurfy than Yukon-y.

Unknown said...

Nice hair style!! Miss you bunches