Tuesday, September 2, 2008


The hurricane came and went, our power went out at around 1:30 and the worst part of the storm hit at around 4:00 p.m. I have to admit, that compared to Lili in 2002 and Rita in 2005. One of which put a tree through our dining room, and the other that had me evacuated for 4 weeks - that this one was on the milder end of the scale.

Sure, I am running my laptop off of a gas powered generator, and there is a magnolia tree laying in the yard that narrowly missed the house and the power lines. But all in all, there isn't a whole lot of damage.

In 2002 it took, literally, MONTHS to clean up the dozens of trees in our yard and in those of my immediate family- we all pitched in and helped each other on weekends, not unlike an Amish barn raising....

My dad and I drove around town today and saw maybe 5 or so down total. Hopefully power will be back on it the next couple of days and everyone else who took the real beating closer to the coast fared as well as can be expected, too.

The local weather man said that this hurricane had virtually none of the tornado activity that usually accompanies the north and west side of hurricanes, and that to a large extent, is why the wind damage was so minimal.

This is the first time we've had a generator and AC after a hurricane, making the house a livable 78 degrees rather than the balmy 90 that I typically dread. So maybe I'll actually be able to sleep tonight. Another upside is that I don't get yelled at for letting whats left of the cold air in the fridge when I open it up to poke around for water - though I did take a shower by lantern light - St. Maarten style...

This is livable, and for that I'm pretty thankful.

Hurricanes in Louisiana are a film-worthy event - mom with the Handy-Cam

The magnolia by the back bedroom - the only casualty of Gustav in our yard

Downed oak and power line at the neighbor's house

Mom and Tim lighting candles

Almost like the votive candles at church...

About as black as night can get. Overcast, with an entire parish (county) without electricity. My mom walking Amos with a flashlight around broken branches.

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